Saturday, April 05, 2008

to be continued

Moving to!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


while i am not the right person morally to talk about such things, i am wondering if a rising occurrence or severity of bird-flu or mad-cow disease - or something else - can put us on the path to vegetarianism.

Just as a Katrina woke the rest of us on the perils of Climate Change.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

climate change

While its a welcoming change that people are more alert to climate change than before - and demand any products as long as it is green - i am wondering if we are fixing the problem and not the symptom with the carbon cuts.

I mean shall we look at ways to reduce this constant need to consume more and more and instead live a life that is less sense gratifying.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A revenue model for WebX.0

The proliferation of user-generated-content networks and the success of YouTube/MySpace, makes me think if the 'user' in the content should be owning these things.

What if the next GTube/ Wikipedia/ SecondLife/ WoW/ Digg issues 'shares' or 'stock options' to users contributing content/ presence. This will mirror the value of such a service, splitting 50-50 between content owners and the service/experience providers.

A wouldbe GTube will initially be fully-owned by the creators of the service and as it becomes popular, the ownership will start reflecting the strength of the content and its owners. Also this can nicely complement the current advt-driven revenue model.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

PDAs with built-in Projectors

I don't see the likes of palm, blackberry or motorala building in a mini/nano projector into their pda-s or cellphone-s.

To me that makes it an interesting combination - more than the picture-taking mail-sending pda-s and blackberry-s thats in the market.

Monday, September 25, 2006

is it time to lookup

Wonder why no one has come up with a way to exploit the ceiling space.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Its amazing how sometimes companies don't see what seems obvious in hindsight.

Microsoft - despite trumpeting all the time about empowering individuals, never created a blogging software or wiki-tools.
RealNetworks - with their early lead in the online music distribution game, one would expect them to have comeup with an iPod.
TiVo - i guess they are just waiting for iTV or XBox to come and claim its life.