Saturday, September 30, 2006

PDAs with built-in Projectors

I don't see the likes of palm, blackberry or motorala building in a mini/nano projector into their pda-s or cellphone-s.

To me that makes it an interesting combination - more than the picture-taking mail-sending pda-s and blackberry-s thats in the market.

Monday, September 25, 2006

is it time to lookup

Wonder why no one has come up with a way to exploit the ceiling space.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Its amazing how sometimes companies don't see what seems obvious in hindsight.

Microsoft - despite trumpeting all the time about empowering individuals, never created a blogging software or wiki-tools.
RealNetworks - with their early lead in the online music distribution game, one would expect them to have comeup with an iPod.
TiVo - i guess they are just waiting for iTV or XBox to come and claim its life.