Saturday, December 10, 2005

video games

I started thinking about Games ever since i read somewhere that the later Matrix movies will be made more appealing to the Gaming population.

I loved The Matrix movie and as a Non-Gamer, I really felt let down then.

But it also made me think why would anyone make a very successfull film. And then follow it up with something that appeals more to a more narrowing Gaming population - unless ofcourse there is something.

links on japan

Talking of Tokyo, I always look for sites that i can regularly check to learn of happenings in Japan. Find them listed here

manga manga

Being in Tokyo, i found this entire genre of manga/ anime/ video games to be very fascinating. In my search for more, i stumbled* upon a book by Peter Carey titled Wrong About Japan that kind of reflects my own feelings towards this whole phenomenon.

*at one of my favourite haunts here The Blue Parrot

lost + found

I had this one great* idea to have a Lost AND Found site where people can post messages of things they Lost and/ or Found - city wise. And I was somewhat depressed to discover Craigslist with its simple Lost + Found section.

begin at the beginnings

I had been thinking of having a blog from the days i saw the first blogs robotwisdom, memepool and need to know.

I had first heard of these blogs via the tbtf newsletter that i liked so much then.

I still visit and love the first 2 sites: Memepool and Robot Wisdom. The 3rd one - ntk - i had a suspicion that it was designed to keep me out. It was just too hard to read stuffs here.

misplaced thoughts

I have no idea how embarassing it is to going to be to lose - and then find - ones own thoughts.

Maybe this blog will show me that.